Videos and Images

Since tsunami's have been a reoccurring topic throughout my blog posts, I found this video that gives a brief over view and some of the worst tsunami's ever recorded.

A map I formualted to show the Significant US Earthquakes from 1568 through 1996.

This map was created to show how the housing development is extremely prone to a mass wasting event, even after the river was diverted to right of the parcels.

This is a map of the middle and western United States showing the areas susceptibility to mass wasting events, commonly known as landslides.

Below is a map of the Eastern Coast of the United States. It is zoomed in on a major mass wasting area with in the Appalachian Mountains. 

This video gives an in depth look at lake Imja, a high-altitude glacier lake that has growing potential to become an environmental hazard if it were to ever breech its natural dam.

This video is a first hand look at the major dust storm that recently rolled through Texas on October 18, 2011 due to the extreme drought hitting the southwestern U.S. Even though it seems to be a minor weather event compared to an earthquake or tsunami, it still could cause major damage if another more intense dust storm was produced.

This video is an amazing look at the effects of the melting sea ice. It is affecting the habits of walruses and causing resource competition never seen before.